The "Weißer mit Milch" ("White milkskin coffee") is an almost forgotten nostalgic Viennese coffee specialty, where a light latte is served with a milk skin on top. In the article below you will find the exact preparation for it.
Yes, there are said to be people who love it when the milk forms a skin due to boiling. If you belong to this special kind of people who love the skin on the milk: You are not alone.
In Vienna, they even dedicate their own coffee specialty to the skin in the milk. The whole thing is called Weißer mit Haut, which means "white one with skin" in German.
It is made of a light coffee with hot milk that is not frothed or stirred, so that an extra skin forms when it boils.

For the preparation you need a full-fat milk, that is, not the ultra-light diet version, where there is no more fat and it tastes like nothing. In fact, with the fat-free milk, it is difficult for a skin to form. With raw milk directly from the farmer, the skin forms even more easily, but you just don't get it every day in the city (and you have to be used to it).
For 1 portion, you'll need half a cup of milk, half a cup of coffee, and optionally sugar/sweetener of your choice.
Heat the milk, either on the stove or in the microwave. The milk must be very hot to form skin, but it should also not boil too much. To prevent it from burning, heating up in the microwave is the safer way. While heating up, the milk must not be stirred, so the skin can form on top.
In the meantime, prepare half a cup of coffee. Add sugar, if you like.
Mix coffee with the very hot milk. Enjoy! 😉
Here's even more coffee specialties to read about:
In my series about nostalgic Viennese coffee specialties, I present historical Viennese coffee specialties that have fallen into oblivion. So far the Viennese Kaisermelange, the Viennese Katerkaffee, the Biedermaier Coffee, the Tsar's Coffee and the Cossack's Coffee were presented.
A daring jury then chose the winner for the "Strangest Viennese Coffee Speciality".
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