Here you will find different recipes for classic Austrian Christmas Cookies, most of the recipes are from my grandma.
My grandmother, who will soon be 97, used to bake these Christmas cookie recipes in huge quantities every year. She would then put together different sized packages of them and distribute them among her children and grandchildren, but also among neighbors, acquaintances from her church and people in need.
The process of dividing up the cookies was very complicated. For example, in addition to the favorite varieties, it was also taken into account whether the recipients would have had time to bake themselves or whether they were working a lot and therefore couldn't bake much. It also depended on how good you were and whether you had a large family. In the end, you either got a large cookie tin, a smaller shoe box or a small plastic cup lined with napkins.
This year, the baking will be a joint project where grandma, aunts, siblings, cousins etc. get together and bake together - my personal highlight of the Christmas season!
Here are my favorite cookies:
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